"Curly": Similar mechanics to Dirty Hairs, this one is meant for quickly adding lots of hairs to chests and pubic areas.The size variant has pressure sensitivity, helping making eyebrows an even easier task. "Mustache Brows & Mustache Brows Size": Like the name says it is meant to quickly achieving a mustache and/or eyebrows.The name is because it kind of gives that look of a hairy sweaty construction worker on a hot summer day lol. "Dirty Hairs": This is a general purpose brush that when used in circular motion it adds more and more hairs, so you can adjust in a way how hairy you want it to look."Quick Cover & Quick Cover Intense": I made these brushes to quickly add arm hairs to my characters, the Intense version achieves the same goal but is meant for those characters that are way hairier.Similar in a way to the Cartoony one included in the other pack. "Cartoony Thick Hairs": This one is for adding a bit of detail so facial hairs on characters that have a more cartoony feel to them."General II" & "General III": General body hair brushes, II is very similar to the Angled ones, General III is completely different having curly hairs instead."Long": Another one intended for hairy armpits, but this time it does not include curly hairs.The name is because it mixes both shorter looking curly hairs with some longer hairs. "Mix": This was mostly intended for really hairy armpits, it tries to achieve a more realistic feel to it.

"Angled I" & "Angled II": General Purpose Brush, mostly intended for armpits but works really well with hairly legs, arms and also chest.This time it's 14 new presets for all things body hair, It's a good addition to the existing ones. I am once again sharing with you guys some more body hair brushes, thank you guys for all the love you've shown to the first pack I released a while back (you can find them for free here in my gumroad).