We would also like to thank the John Fell Oxford University Press (OUP) Research Fund, which provided vital support in the final stages of preparing the publication, and Mr. We are equally grateful for the patience, generosity, and intellectual inspiration of our many colleagues and friends at Oxford University, and in particular in its Oriental Institute, who have been so unfailingly supportive of all our efforts since our arrival there in 2002. We are extremely grateful to the UK's Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), who so generously provided the funding that enabled both of us to spend a full quarter of our working time each, between 20, in pursuing the research for this book. The Evidence from the Commentary and its Dunhuang witness 91 Padmasambhava's Pith Instructions on the Garland of Views 87 Padmasambhava, the Thabs zhags and its Commentary ('Phags pa thabs kyi zhags pa pad ma 'phreng gi don bsdus pa'i 'grel pa) 68į) The "Citations" or Attributions of the Teachings in the Thabs zhags Commentary to other Tantras 84 How do we account for their variations? 18Ĭoncluding Reflections on the variations in TZ 20Ī) The Editions of the Root Text and Commentary 26ī) Features of the Dunhuang Manuscript 32Ĭ) Examination and Assessment of the Differing Boundaries of TZ in Different Editions 35Į) A Summary of The Commentary on A Noble Noose of Methods, the Lotus Garland Synopsis How do we edit Ancient Tantra Collection texts? Can we stemmatise them?

Increasing the usability of the Ancient Tantra Collection texts 16

Textual Obscurity and Scribal Corruption in the extant Ancient Tantra Collection 15 Methodological Issues in the Study of the Thabs zhags Textual Transmissions 13 The Dunhuang Manuscript as a valuable source from the 'Time of Fragments' 6Ī Summary of the Salient Points of our work on the Thabs zhags Textual Tradition 10 The Contents of the Thabs zhags and their Significance for the Historical Study Introducing the Textual Sources, and their Significance 1 Abbreviations and List of Sigla used in the Editions xi